The reception.
Danebu Kongsgaard
Cozy entrance.

Opening hours 2024

Quick links

Click on one of the links below to get directly to the relevant opening hour:
Opening hours current week
Peisestuen Food and Wine Bar
Kongsgaard Restaurant
Course and conference
Weddings and parties

Opening hours current week: January 20th to 26th

Monday to Thursday: 10:00 - 18:00 / 10am to 6pm
Friday: 10:00 - 22:00 / 10am to 10pm
Saturday: 08:00 - 22:00 / 8am to 10pm
Sunday: 08:00 - 26:00 / 8am to 4pm

Peisestuen Food and Wine Bar:
Monday to Thursday: closed
Friday: from 16:00 / 4pm (kitchen open until 20:00 / 8pm)
Saturday: from 13:00 / 1pm (kitchen open until 20:00 / 8pm)
Sunday: 13:00 to 16:00 / 1pm to 4pm

Kongsgaard Restaurant:
Monday to Thursday: closed
Friday and Saturday: 3-course dinner served at 19:00 / 7pm
Sunday: closed.


Monday to Friday 10:00-18:00 / 10am to 6pm

The phone is also open the following dates:
January: 24th-26th
February: 7th-9th, 14th-16th, 21st-23rd, 28th
March: 1st-2nd, 28th-30th
April: 11th-20th
July: every day

Peisestuen Food & Wine Bar

Limited opening hours outside of vacations.

Open the following dates:
January: 24th-26th
February: 7th-9th, 14th-23rd, 26th-28th
March: 1st-2nd, 26th-30th
April: 11th-20th
July: 4th-27th, 30th-31st

the Kongsgaard Restaurant

3-course dinner served at 19:00 (7pm) in the following periods:

January: 24th-25th
February: 7th-8th, 14th-22rd, 26th-28th
March: 1st, 26th-29th
April: 11th-19th
July: 4th-26th, 30th-31st

Courses and conferences

The whole year.

Weddings and parties

More than 40 guests: the whole year except vacations.
From 16-39 guests: the whole year.
Up to 15 guests: follows opening hours of Kongsgaard Restaurant.